Returning to blogging after a hiatus of sorts, some subjects are easy for me to slip back into. All along I've been collecting enamel pins. Yesterday I created a new display board and today arranged its pins, after logging the new Cave Pony Unicorns into my spreadsheet (so I could tell them apart). Clearly I am a big fan of Mink Studios.
Let's start at the beginning. Here are my new boards. Sayonara JoAnn Fabs: I bought black flannel and black velvet, as much as I thought I could ever use (the flannel) and as much as I could afford (the velvet). My boards are hastily wrought, using cardboard and staples (tips folded over by hand with pliers), but they do the job. Next to them are my most recent new pins.
A trio of winged Cave Pony Quaggas, which I'm calling FlutterQuaggas, holds a position of honor. Although Sarah has not used this term in her newsletters, I cannot think it is wrong, especially when you consider her other FlutterPonies. I'm particularly proud of the fact that I got all three permutations of her Quagga form. The bottomost one is a Christmas release and actually the first FlutterQuagga; note his neck wreath.
Speaking of Cave Pony series, the Zebras have been taking off. Since I already had the earliest Zebra (upper leftt) I only needed the next two, and fortunately they were released as a pair. The center one is Zebra 3 "Plains" and the lowermost is Zebra 4 "Grevy's." I'm sorry to say I'm not sure who Zebra 2 is. I'm also very sorry that the Neon Green Zebra wasn't fully photographed; I dashed these shots off in a tearing hurry.
The Cave Pony Unicorns are aptly named. My original intention, to collect every unicorn pin Mink would ever release, was severely tested when she started putting horns on things like batwinged dragon-ponies. (Not to mention the Unilumes, or the 3D metal ones, or the -- !) I had long resisted the Cave Pony series because, compared to the Imperial Unicorns and Dancing Horses, they were so obese. These are cartoons!! not real horses. However, their cuteness factor found ways around my resistances, as my 4 earlier Cave Pony pins reveal (seen above, first pic). I did, indeed, "cave."
The interesting thing here is that what you see (above) is the 2nd and 3rd of the first group of three Cave Pony Unicorns, and the 1st of the second group. Sarah has promised 9 Cave Pony Unicorns, in batches of three. I carefully chose which two I absolutely had to have of the first group, back in August of '24; I must have been short on funds. When the second group of three debuted, in February of this year (2025), I plumped more easily. So that's how I came to have 5.
Do I automatically collect all of a series? "God no!" But what if I should change my mind later -- ?? Do you know, I went back and tried to buy the missing Cave Pony Unicorn just now! The odds were low -- they really were offered in August, 8 months ago-- but I succeeded!! Here is my (her) newsletter file picture of it:
What was I thinking? you might well ask.
That does seem to be the question. When my collection is sporting Batwinged Cave Ponies, where before it only went for Imperial and Jewelled Unicorns, it is a good question.
"Glitter" is part of the answer. I am susceptible to glitter. Sparkle candy-apple-flake will always move me.
I could not decide amongst these three, so I got them all. Please excuse the shading on the shoulder of the purple-winged. It is reflection off the gloss.
Shooting this last, amazing creature, I got a vibe from no less than Disney's Fantasia. I guess there is a soft spot for cartoon horses in me after all.
Thank you for sharing your incredible talents, Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig.